Want some irony? Our resident hypocrite - the one who whines about 'slander' on this blog that simply quotes him (I guess he's slandering himself) - types this:
Hank and the rapture!
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Find Member's Posts Posted on: Dec 1 2004, 08:25 PM
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Group: Advanced Member
Posts: 253
Joined: 23-October 04
Member No.: 12958
Dear power2U;
A lot of people DON'T trust Hank the heretic Hanegraff. He attacks everything and everyone. He is also a hypocrite who lives in a big, expensive house while chiding prosperity preachers. He does not believe in all the Bible says, just the parts that suit his vain mind. He has slandered thousands of ministers, and moves of God around the world. He even had the gall to speak against the ministry and teachings Charles Finney! The man is arrogant.
In one post, Ante Pavkovic - who whines about people 'slandering' him when all that's been done is a collection of his infantile posts:
a) Calls a Christian brother a 'heretic'
b) Uses a generalization (he attacks everyone and everything) that is absurd on its face
c) Calls the man a hypocrite
And after all these expressions of Christian love, what does Ante say?
"He has slandered thousands of ministers."
The only thing I would say is that operating on the principle of "It takes one to know one," perhaps Ante is right when he calls Hank a hypocrite. If anyone would know about hypocrisy, it's Ante Pavkovic.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Ante Pavkovic Debates....Ante Pavkovic
As I've noted earlier, we are parsing through the wicked lies and repeated hypocrisies of an Internet fundamentalist (a book burner who also burns non-KJV Bibles), a public speaker for Operation (En)S(l)ave America, Ante Pavkovic. Pavkovic has himself a long resume of picking fights on the Net and getting tossed off of discussion boards. But unfortunately for him there's a paper trail. Last time we covered Ante's hypocrisy about David Cloud. And on "Deception Bytes" I covered his hypocrisy regarding his own judgment of people's souls. So now we see that Ante just makes it up as he goes (in other words, LIES) when he tells us about church history.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Ante Pavkovic: David Cloud Is, Is Not, Is Reliable....
In further developments of how hypocritical someone can be, let's consider the twin cases of Ante Pavkovic regarding David Cloud, whom he deems an infallible pope when it comes to the KJV but dismisses regarding almost everything else.
First we have
How do we know the Ante-Christ thinks this? Because he quotes Cloud on October 31, 2004 on Worthy Boards (about a week after he'd been banished from 'Charisma' for his youthful discretions).
He precedes this with the following amusing claim:
Here is an answer to one of your questions. It is brief, and much more could be said, but I've got to go so, I'll give more if you are really interested, and in doing so, the facts presented with further show Bud's article is as fallacious as I've said:
In other words according to Psychopathkovic, Cloud is reliable. Well, maybe not. All of a sudden in March on Deception Bytes, Ante changes his tune. Confronted with a clipping from Cloud, Ante tells us:
Brian cites David Cloud, a man rabidly anti-Pentecostal who seeks to poison the well of this discussion. He is hardly an impartial source, and is not fair to Pentecostals. You see, we are "of the Devil" because we are Pentecostal.
So according to Pavkovic, the reliability of a source depends upon whether or not the source AGREES WITH HIM!!!!
More two-facedness from the Master of it all.
First we have
How do we know the Ante-Christ thinks this? Because he quotes Cloud on October 31, 2004 on Worthy Boards (about a week after he'd been banished from 'Charisma' for his youthful discretions).
He precedes this with the following amusing claim:
Here is an answer to one of your questions. It is brief, and much more could be said, but I've got to go so, I'll give more if you are really interested, and in doing so, the facts presented with further show Bud's article is as fallacious as I've said:
In other words according to Psychopathkovic, Cloud is reliable. Well, maybe not. All of a sudden in March on Deception Bytes, Ante changes his tune. Confronted with a clipping from Cloud, Ante tells us:
Brian cites David Cloud, a man rabidly anti-Pentecostal who seeks to poison the well of this discussion. He is hardly an impartial source, and is not fair to Pentecostals. You see, we are "of the Devil" because we are Pentecostal.
So according to Pavkovic, the reliability of a source depends upon whether or not the source AGREES WITH HIM!!!!
More two-facedness from the Master of it all.
Ante Pavkovic's Cowardly Rant Against Me On Deception Bytes
Our specimen of Psycho-pathkovic manhood recently demonstrated it by turning tail and running from CARM and then - without the courage to debate online on CARM - decided to flail away at me again. And once again demonstrated that his depths of Hell lying knows no bounds. Wrote our resident mean Croat:
I was wondering when you would play your "ace" card Brian, it was inevitable that it would come, seeing the kind of individual you have shown yourself to be.You always reminded me of your "source". It stands to reason that one dishonest slanderer would cite as a reference another dishonest slander and liar. It is like Obama citing Clintons as a reliable source. Your "source" goes on HOMOSEXUAL WEBSITES looking for slander about me(you see, the Sodomites hate us because we go to Gay Pride events and preach the Gospel and contradict their message). Your "source" quotes Sodomite slanders against Christians! What a source! Your "source" was run out of the military, according to his own words, ( see here http://refutingliars.forumotion.net/the-whole-sad-story-in-chronological-order-f1/part-one-who-is-bill-brown-t2.htm), and he wishes them ill, according to his own words, and is still bitter about it to this day. Your "source" does not believe God preserved His words in any book anywhere, and if anyone says He did, your "source" will attack and villify that person with all the gusto of a demon-possessed man. Nice "Christian" source. You know Brian, you ought to check out your sources a little better. You operate mostly on hearsay, and so have fallen prey to not only being a purveyor of all kinds of error, but now you promote slander and defamation. What a splendid "Christianity" you put forth for others to imitate. No thanks. Ye cessationists are some of the most hateful individuals I have ever dealt with, and that includes rabid Sodomites screaming at us while we present the gospel to them. I would never forsake the Spirit-filled life for the kind of sorry "Christianity" demonstrated here. No thanks.
Now let's just break this down line-by-line and see where the Ante-Christ has crossed the line.
I was wondering when you would play your "ace" card Brian, it was inevitable that it would come, seeing the kind of individual you have shown yourself to be.You always reminded me of your "source". It stands to reason that one dishonest slanderer would cite as a reference another dishonest slander and liar.
Now once again for what must be the ten thousandth time, Ante Pavkovic alleges that I am a liar and a slanderer. But he has had now NINE YEARS to actually PROVE that this is true. He continues to whine about 'slander,' but asked to give even one specific example, he cannot do it. And that is why this blog was born. Documenting the lying musings of a crminal (what else do you call a person who gets arrested on the floor of the US Senate?) is easy pickings.
It is like Obama citing Clintons as a reliable source.
This from a guy who cited Gail Riplinger as a reliable source. So much for reliability from OSA.
Your "source" goes on HOMOSEXUAL WEBSITES looking for slander about me(you see, the Sodomites hate us because we go to Gay Pride events and preach the Gospel and contradict their message).
This statement has a number of lies as well but if you've been to this blog even once, what else do you expect from the Ante-Christ?
1) I do not go to 'homosexual websites.'
He is referencing a blog I cited from someone who noted his pathetic existence on 'Charisma' back in the day. Of course, the fact that Pavkovic KNOWS that this is a 'homosexual website' (it isn't, it is a blog written by a homosexual - which I didn't know but the Psychopathkovic most certainly did) indicates his own travelings there, so bashing me for citing something about him there is hypocritical anyway.
2) Nor did I find slander about him.
Unfortunately, Ante had his picture taken with a good buddy of his. Who happened to be a registered sex offender. These are the people Mr. Pavkovic is comfortable hanging around. It's NOT MY FAULT he likes to hang around such criminals. It's NOT MY FAULT that there's a picture on the Net of him doing it. Is it slander to point out the TRUTH about this? Nope. Hence, I didn't find any 'slander' on him, just a photograph. If he doesn't want his picture taken with a sex offender then he shouldn't hang around one.
Your "source" quotes Sodomite slanders against Christians! What a source!
This from a guy who has cited Gail Riplinger, George Lamsa, and David Cloud (although hypocritically -see a later post for this) as reliable sources.
Oh and notice he didn't give even ONE example. That's because the man is a lying fool who can't prove a claim to save his life.
Your "source" was run out of the military, according to his own words, ( see here http://refutingliars.forumotion.net/the-whole-sad-story-in-chronological-order-f1/part-one-who-is-bill-brown-t2.htm), and he wishes them ill, according to his own words, and is still bitter about it to this day.
Ante picked up a response I put - just to make sure the co-conspirators got it - FIVE YEARS AGO!!! Wow!! And according to him 'I'm bitter about it to this day.' Nope. I'm drawing over $13,000 from your taxes, Ante, and there ain't a thing in the world you can do about it. Tax free, buddy!! That was my 'punishment.'
What is amusing is Ante even bringing this issue up. What drove him to such maddening lengths? The same thing that always does, somebody got the best of him on a discussion board and instead of thinking about it, his pride got hurt and he got mad.
What happened was this: given his prior history of lying and making up facts on the spot but then getting bailed out by his banishment from boards (and thus his lying posts removed), I decided to save his comments. I knew a liar like Ante couldn't refrain from lying for very long. Just as some of the loudest anti-gay folks have turned out to be gay themselves, Mr. Pavkovic calls others liars because that's exactly what he is. So this time I saved his posts and pointed out his lies.
Now - you would THINK a guy who claims to be so 'Spirit filled' as Ante would have at least an ounce of humility to acknowledge he got caught. After all, this is the same hypocrite who is demanding that OTHER PEOPLE he alleges have sinned to repent.
So what does Ante do? Instead of admitting he got caught red-handed - and he most certainly did - Ante decided to do what politicians do. He played the old "If I find something out bad about him then that makes my own sinful garbage OK." (Funny how such a 'Spirit filled' clown can act worse than the most worldly people many of us know, isn't it?). So he went over to Classmates, found my name, and found something I wrote WAY BACK in 2005!!
Never did he come to me and ask what anything meant because, like the fool he is, he thinks he knows. And then he opened up a forum to bash me with - after whining for a year about how I was 'slandering' him. Of course his posts are hilarious and demonstrate beyond all doubt what a commode sucking liar he actually is.
He has threatened to show the 'Charimsa' debates. He'll never do that, though, not in their entirety for two reasons. One, it was an INTERACTION, not a debate (you'd think Ante would have paid attention that Ergun Caner is now in hot water over the same type lies Ante himself has told), and once people read this they will know that.
They will also know something else - that Ante got his ass* handed to him and badly. He had NO COHERENT or meaningful response to the eighteen irrefutable points about KJV Onlyism I posted - yet to hear him tell it, he 'refuted' them all. He didn't, and he knows he didn't. If he had, of course, he wouldn't still be bluffing two years later. Furthermore, if he had wiped the floor with me like he alleges, he would have jumped to debate in a heartbeat. He has avoided it like Obama avoids Fox News. But back to the Classmates attack.
Ante TRULY BELIEVES that it really doesn't matter what a liar he is - just so long as he can prove something negative about your person then that makes him right. One must imagine how black the sinful heart of a man would have to be to stoop to such levels but for Ante it's probably reaching up.
He has threatened to sue me, but he knows full well he would fare no better in a jury chair (assuming a court was stupid enough to take it) than he has online.
He has basically threatened to come down to Texas and straighten me out, he has threatened to show the 'Charisma' debates. Indeed, there are no end to the empty threats of an empty suit with an empty cranium.
And Ante's proof of how his lies are not lies? "Well, Maestroh is a military reject." Good one, Ante. And proof you have no recourse other than to admit what a pathetic liar and hypocrite you are. I know, you'll never admit it, but hey everybody else knows it.
On with the show.
Your "source" does not believe God preserved His words in any book anywhere,
This is a fabrication as well. What Ante means when he says this is that I don't limit God's preserved words to AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION that has its own imperfections. Ante doesn't, either. When the KJV has heretical readings like Romans 8:16, he defends them. But then he hypocritically bashes the NIV for what he deems a heretical reading in Micah 5:2. That's what hypocrites do. Well that and hang around registered sex offenders.
and if anyone says He did, your "source" will attack and villify that person with all the gusto of a demon-possessed man.
Wow. If anybody would know vilification it's this worthless piece of dung. This is a guy who has been banned from Charisma, CARM, Sharper Iron, and God Himself knows where else.
And demon-possessed, huh? Wouldn't that be considered SLANDEROUS oh two face of Zagreb?
Oh and btw - Ante was challenged to PROVE this in a debate. After talking big trash about how he'd wipe the floor with me, Ante turned tail and ran like the coward that he is - the moment he realized a debate might actually happen.
Nice "Christian" source. You know Brian, you ought to check out your sources a little better. You operate mostly on hearsay, and so have fallen prey to not only being a purveyor of all kinds of error, but now you promote slander and defamation.
But isn't Ante the one who suggested I'm demon possessed? Ante is also the one who slandered Raymond Low, jsdiv3, BAP, John MacArthur, and Bono - of the latter actually saying he could not possibly be a Christian. Why? Because Bono is a rock musician!!! And in Ante's bigoted worldview, rock musicians are lost.
What a splendid "Christianity" you put forth for others to imitate. No thanks.
Well, none of us is imitating hanging around sex offenders now are we? Oh that's right, you're actually DOING it. OK.
Ye cessationists are some of the most hateful individuals I have ever dealt with, and that includes rabid Sodomites screaming at us while we present the gospel to them.
Talk about slander!! Is there a picture of this guy in the dictionary next to the word 'hypocrite' or what? Out of one side of his hate-filled mouth he whines about slander - and out of the other he calls his theological opponents "some of the most hateful individuals" he has ever dealt with.
Then again if anyone would know hate it's Ante Pavkovic. He is, after all, part of a group that burns Bibles that are not the KJV. I guess it takes one to know one.
I would never forsake the Spirit-filled life for the kind of sorry "Christianity" demonstrated here. No thanks.
Well, Ante is full of something, but it ain't the Spirit.
I was wondering when you would play your "ace" card Brian, it was inevitable that it would come, seeing the kind of individual you have shown yourself to be.You always reminded me of your "source". It stands to reason that one dishonest slanderer would cite as a reference another dishonest slander and liar. It is like Obama citing Clintons as a reliable source. Your "source" goes on HOMOSEXUAL WEBSITES looking for slander about me(you see, the Sodomites hate us because we go to Gay Pride events and preach the Gospel and contradict their message). Your "source" quotes Sodomite slanders against Christians! What a source! Your "source" was run out of the military, according to his own words, ( see here http://refutingliars.forumotion.net/the-whole-sad-story-in-chronological-order-f1/part-one-who-is-bill-brown-t2.htm), and he wishes them ill, according to his own words, and is still bitter about it to this day. Your "source" does not believe God preserved His words in any book anywhere, and if anyone says He did, your "source" will attack and villify that person with all the gusto of a demon-possessed man. Nice "Christian" source. You know Brian, you ought to check out your sources a little better. You operate mostly on hearsay, and so have fallen prey to not only being a purveyor of all kinds of error, but now you promote slander and defamation. What a splendid "Christianity" you put forth for others to imitate. No thanks. Ye cessationists are some of the most hateful individuals I have ever dealt with, and that includes rabid Sodomites screaming at us while we present the gospel to them. I would never forsake the Spirit-filled life for the kind of sorry "Christianity" demonstrated here. No thanks.
Now let's just break this down line-by-line and see where the Ante-Christ has crossed the line.
I was wondering when you would play your "ace" card Brian, it was inevitable that it would come, seeing the kind of individual you have shown yourself to be.You always reminded me of your "source". It stands to reason that one dishonest slanderer would cite as a reference another dishonest slander and liar.
Now once again for what must be the ten thousandth time, Ante Pavkovic alleges that I am a liar and a slanderer. But he has had now NINE YEARS to actually PROVE that this is true. He continues to whine about 'slander,' but asked to give even one specific example, he cannot do it. And that is why this blog was born. Documenting the lying musings of a crminal (what else do you call a person who gets arrested on the floor of the US Senate?) is easy pickings.
It is like Obama citing Clintons as a reliable source.
This from a guy who cited Gail Riplinger as a reliable source. So much for reliability from OSA.
Your "source" goes on HOMOSEXUAL WEBSITES looking for slander about me(you see, the Sodomites hate us because we go to Gay Pride events and preach the Gospel and contradict their message).
This statement has a number of lies as well but if you've been to this blog even once, what else do you expect from the Ante-Christ?
1) I do not go to 'homosexual websites.'
He is referencing a blog I cited from someone who noted his pathetic existence on 'Charisma' back in the day. Of course, the fact that Pavkovic KNOWS that this is a 'homosexual website' (it isn't, it is a blog written by a homosexual - which I didn't know but the Psychopathkovic most certainly did) indicates his own travelings there, so bashing me for citing something about him there is hypocritical anyway.
2) Nor did I find slander about him.
Unfortunately, Ante had his picture taken with a good buddy of his. Who happened to be a registered sex offender. These are the people Mr. Pavkovic is comfortable hanging around. It's NOT MY FAULT he likes to hang around such criminals. It's NOT MY FAULT that there's a picture on the Net of him doing it. Is it slander to point out the TRUTH about this? Nope. Hence, I didn't find any 'slander' on him, just a photograph. If he doesn't want his picture taken with a sex offender then he shouldn't hang around one.
Your "source" quotes Sodomite slanders against Christians! What a source!
This from a guy who has cited Gail Riplinger, George Lamsa, and David Cloud (although hypocritically -see a later post for this) as reliable sources.
Oh and notice he didn't give even ONE example. That's because the man is a lying fool who can't prove a claim to save his life.
Your "source" was run out of the military, according to his own words, ( see here http://refutingliars.forumotion.net/the-whole-sad-story-in-chronological-order-f1/part-one-who-is-bill-brown-t2.htm), and he wishes them ill, according to his own words, and is still bitter about it to this day.
Ante picked up a response I put - just to make sure the co-conspirators got it - FIVE YEARS AGO!!! Wow!! And according to him 'I'm bitter about it to this day.' Nope. I'm drawing over $13,000 from your taxes, Ante, and there ain't a thing in the world you can do about it. Tax free, buddy!! That was my 'punishment.'
What is amusing is Ante even bringing this issue up. What drove him to such maddening lengths? The same thing that always does, somebody got the best of him on a discussion board and instead of thinking about it, his pride got hurt and he got mad.
What happened was this: given his prior history of lying and making up facts on the spot but then getting bailed out by his banishment from boards (and thus his lying posts removed), I decided to save his comments. I knew a liar like Ante couldn't refrain from lying for very long. Just as some of the loudest anti-gay folks have turned out to be gay themselves, Mr. Pavkovic calls others liars because that's exactly what he is. So this time I saved his posts and pointed out his lies.
Now - you would THINK a guy who claims to be so 'Spirit filled' as Ante would have at least an ounce of humility to acknowledge he got caught. After all, this is the same hypocrite who is demanding that OTHER PEOPLE he alleges have sinned to repent.
So what does Ante do? Instead of admitting he got caught red-handed - and he most certainly did - Ante decided to do what politicians do. He played the old "If I find something out bad about him then that makes my own sinful garbage OK." (Funny how such a 'Spirit filled' clown can act worse than the most worldly people many of us know, isn't it?). So he went over to Classmates, found my name, and found something I wrote WAY BACK in 2005!!
Never did he come to me and ask what anything meant because, like the fool he is, he thinks he knows. And then he opened up a forum to bash me with - after whining for a year about how I was 'slandering' him. Of course his posts are hilarious and demonstrate beyond all doubt what a commode sucking liar he actually is.
He has threatened to show the 'Charimsa' debates. He'll never do that, though, not in their entirety for two reasons. One, it was an INTERACTION, not a debate (you'd think Ante would have paid attention that Ergun Caner is now in hot water over the same type lies Ante himself has told), and once people read this they will know that.
They will also know something else - that Ante got his ass* handed to him and badly. He had NO COHERENT or meaningful response to the eighteen irrefutable points about KJV Onlyism I posted - yet to hear him tell it, he 'refuted' them all. He didn't, and he knows he didn't. If he had, of course, he wouldn't still be bluffing two years later. Furthermore, if he had wiped the floor with me like he alleges, he would have jumped to debate in a heartbeat. He has avoided it like Obama avoids Fox News. But back to the Classmates attack.
Ante TRULY BELIEVES that it really doesn't matter what a liar he is - just so long as he can prove something negative about your person then that makes him right. One must imagine how black the sinful heart of a man would have to be to stoop to such levels but for Ante it's probably reaching up.
He has threatened to sue me, but he knows full well he would fare no better in a jury chair (assuming a court was stupid enough to take it) than he has online.
He has basically threatened to come down to Texas and straighten me out, he has threatened to show the 'Charisma' debates. Indeed, there are no end to the empty threats of an empty suit with an empty cranium.
And Ante's proof of how his lies are not lies? "Well, Maestroh is a military reject." Good one, Ante. And proof you have no recourse other than to admit what a pathetic liar and hypocrite you are. I know, you'll never admit it, but hey everybody else knows it.
On with the show.
Your "source" does not believe God preserved His words in any book anywhere,
This is a fabrication as well. What Ante means when he says this is that I don't limit God's preserved words to AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION that has its own imperfections. Ante doesn't, either. When the KJV has heretical readings like Romans 8:16, he defends them. But then he hypocritically bashes the NIV for what he deems a heretical reading in Micah 5:2. That's what hypocrites do. Well that and hang around registered sex offenders.
and if anyone says He did, your "source" will attack and villify that person with all the gusto of a demon-possessed man.
Wow. If anybody would know vilification it's this worthless piece of dung. This is a guy who has been banned from Charisma, CARM, Sharper Iron, and God Himself knows where else.
And demon-possessed, huh? Wouldn't that be considered SLANDEROUS oh two face of Zagreb?
Oh and btw - Ante was challenged to PROVE this in a debate. After talking big trash about how he'd wipe the floor with me, Ante turned tail and ran like the coward that he is - the moment he realized a debate might actually happen.
Nice "Christian" source. You know Brian, you ought to check out your sources a little better. You operate mostly on hearsay, and so have fallen prey to not only being a purveyor of all kinds of error, but now you promote slander and defamation.
But isn't Ante the one who suggested I'm demon possessed? Ante is also the one who slandered Raymond Low, jsdiv3, BAP, John MacArthur, and Bono - of the latter actually saying he could not possibly be a Christian. Why? Because Bono is a rock musician!!! And in Ante's bigoted worldview, rock musicians are lost.
What a splendid "Christianity" you put forth for others to imitate. No thanks.
Well, none of us is imitating hanging around sex offenders now are we? Oh that's right, you're actually DOING it. OK.
Ye cessationists are some of the most hateful individuals I have ever dealt with, and that includes rabid Sodomites screaming at us while we present the gospel to them.
Talk about slander!! Is there a picture of this guy in the dictionary next to the word 'hypocrite' or what? Out of one side of his hate-filled mouth he whines about slander - and out of the other he calls his theological opponents "some of the most hateful individuals" he has ever dealt with.
Then again if anyone would know hate it's Ante Pavkovic. He is, after all, part of a group that burns Bibles that are not the KJV. I guess it takes one to know one.
I would never forsake the Spirit-filled life for the kind of sorry "Christianity" demonstrated here. No thanks.
Well, Ante is full of something, but it ain't the Spirit.
Who's Running From Whom?
Ante Pavkovic, a North Carolina-based KJV Onlyist Pentecostal who is comfortable hanging around registered sex offenders, has made his name well-known over the past decade with his un-Christian behavior on numerous websites that include Worthy Boards, Sharper Iron (where he was banned after only five posts - well, under his SECOND name anyway), CARM, Light After Darkness, and Charisma. Pavkovic has been banished from ALL of those boards except Worthy Boards, where he hasn't posted in over five years.
But Ante is quite fond of being a hypocrite, one of the few things at which he excels. (The other is lying his tail off as this board so amply documents). Yet another example of the blind man's hypocrisy can be found by purusing his Worthy Boards posts and looking at some of the accusations he has made. One of his common bush league tactics is to accuse anyone who doesn't want to listen to his verbal abuse, slander, and lies - and thus takes the high road by not engaging the Internet equivalent of a rabid dog - of 'running away.'
Of course, this blog has DOCUMENTED that the Ante-Christ himself has turned tail and run like a little chicken away from an ACTUAL DEBATE. He talks real big but the moment it appeared an actual debate was going to happen, he cashed in his chips and said he had to go to the bathroom. Of course, when you're that full of it....
Anyway, let's see the Internet's biggest hypocrite in action. This is from Worthy Boards:
Sola Scriptora
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Find Member's Posts Posted on: Oct 30 2004, 01:44 AM
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Posts: 253
Joined: 23-October 04
Member No.: 12958
You've hit no nerve, you are simply running, as predicted. I called your bluff, and you have wasted no time engaging in retreat. Be honest, the truth is you see the handwriting on the wall. Now why don't you do as you said and "beat" me with your superior knowledge you claim to possess? Surely it must be an elementary task for someone of your stature and learning?
Not only is Ante using the language of a sinful game like poker, he is accusing someone else who is not engaging him of running away. But Ante himself has run away from challenge after challenge to defend his KJV Onlyism. He CLAIMS to have smoked me twice in debates on 'Charisma.' Of course it was OVER A YEAR AGO that he threatened to post those debates online, but still nothing from H.R. Puff-n-Puff. Oh, I take that back. He did put up about 1/2 of a first post. Of course he then realized that that also gave me access to point out his phony propaganda and spin on those same threads, so he opted to not go there.
The FACT is that Ante Pavkovic himself is little more than a debate coward. He criticizes others and accuses them of running away, but he himself has never manned up and debated this issue. Why? Because he knows he's wrong.
And that tells more about the decrepit condition of the soul than anything else.
But Ante is quite fond of being a hypocrite, one of the few things at which he excels. (The other is lying his tail off as this board so amply documents). Yet another example of the blind man's hypocrisy can be found by purusing his Worthy Boards posts and looking at some of the accusations he has made. One of his common bush league tactics is to accuse anyone who doesn't want to listen to his verbal abuse, slander, and lies - and thus takes the high road by not engaging the Internet equivalent of a rabid dog - of 'running away.'
Of course, this blog has DOCUMENTED that the Ante-Christ himself has turned tail and run like a little chicken away from an ACTUAL DEBATE. He talks real big but the moment it appeared an actual debate was going to happen, he cashed in his chips and said he had to go to the bathroom. Of course, when you're that full of it....
Anyway, let's see the Internet's biggest hypocrite in action. This is from Worthy Boards:
Sola Scriptora
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Find Member's Posts Posted on: Oct 30 2004, 01:44 AM
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Posts: 253
Joined: 23-October 04
Member No.: 12958
You've hit no nerve, you are simply running, as predicted. I called your bluff, and you have wasted no time engaging in retreat. Be honest, the truth is you see the handwriting on the wall. Now why don't you do as you said and "beat" me with your superior knowledge you claim to possess? Surely it must be an elementary task for someone of your stature and learning?
Not only is Ante using the language of a sinful game like poker, he is accusing someone else who is not engaging him of running away. But Ante himself has run away from challenge after challenge to defend his KJV Onlyism. He CLAIMS to have smoked me twice in debates on 'Charisma.' Of course it was OVER A YEAR AGO that he threatened to post those debates online, but still nothing from H.R. Puff-n-Puff. Oh, I take that back. He did put up about 1/2 of a first post. Of course he then realized that that also gave me access to point out his phony propaganda and spin on those same threads, so he opted to not go there.
The FACT is that Ante Pavkovic himself is little more than a debate coward. He criticizes others and accuses them of running away, but he himself has never manned up and debated this issue. Why? Because he knows he's wrong.
And that tells more about the decrepit condition of the soul than anything else.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Ante Pavkovic: Ignorant Church Historian
From Worthy Boards on January 16, 2005:
No, you are wrong. You qoute verses that have absolutely nothing to do with what I said or believe. I gave you a Scriptural synopsis of NT teaching on the Spirit of God and his workings in this, His Dispensation.
Cessassionism is unScriptural. It is a denial of a fundamental and obvious teaching of the Scirptures. It is a doctrine based on experince--or the lack thereof. You are following a man-made doctrine, and guess who the originator of cessassionism was? John Calvin.
John Calvin was the originator of cessationism? (Ante apparently is either using profanity or just doesn't know how to spell).
No, you are wrong. You qoute verses that have absolutely nothing to do with what I said or believe. I gave you a Scriptural synopsis of NT teaching on the Spirit of God and his workings in this, His Dispensation.
Cessassionism is unScriptural. It is a denial of a fundamental and obvious teaching of the Scirptures. It is a doctrine based on experince--or the lack thereof. You are following a man-made doctrine, and guess who the originator of cessassionism was? John Calvin.
John Calvin was the originator of cessationism? (Ante apparently is either using profanity or just doesn't know how to spell).
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